Our Services

We are health, rehabilitation and fitness experts With a very thorough clinical assessment often combining with a team of leading Doctors and Specialists, we will design and create a bespoke program to ensure you make a full complete recovery from injury or just optimize your health to achieve your goals.

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Services | An exclusive service for all your strength and conditioning needs

With 15 years of extensive experience, we offer you an excellent specially trained service to diagnose and treat injuries that are sustained while playing sports and any other type of orthopedic (musculoskeletal) condition. We educate you about movement, personal training and diet

  1. Rehabilitate the body through physiotherapy.
  2. Group and individual exercise programs, (competitive athletes vs. non-competitive athletes)
  3. Aerobic exercise, Yoga/Pilates/Zumba
  4. Strength-building exercises, (weight training Programs)
  5. Diet control.
Rehabilitate the body through physiotherapy
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About Sports Injuries
Whether you're a beginner or an expert, we'll help you recover from Sports Injuries and get back on track. We push our athletes and yourselves to help achieve your return to activity goals. It is important to obtain an appropriate diagnosis of the type of injury and a thorough management plan. Often it can be difficult to diagnose chronic overuse injuries where there may be an involvement of many different factors. Our comprehensive assessment will be able to tease out all that information and allow us to identify any muscle imbalances and strength or flexibility deficits that may be contributing to the injury. We will help to settle the acute cycle and involve a specialist team where necessary and then build an appropriate program of stability and strength work to achieve a return to full function. We want to ensure we give you all the tools to help reduce your injury risk and get you back competing at whatever level that may be.
Group and individual exercise programs, (competitive athletes vs. non-competitive athletes)
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About running assessments
Whether you run 5km or a seasoned marathon runner, we can help you reduce your injury risk and enjoy running more!
We will assess your running technique, biomechanics, strength, mobility and control and look at how all these factors interplay to create your specific running style. We will then determine which factors we can address to achieve the most energy efficient running style, which leads to reduced injury risk, increased running resilience and improved running performance.
Our running assessments include:
  • Discussion of injury history
  • Review of current training, and run goals
  • Strength assessment, joint range assessment
  • Functional stability assessment
  • Exercise prescription
  • Run cues, tips and drills
  • Training plan advice
  • Report of assessment findings
Aerobic exercise-Pilates/zumba/Yoga
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Strength-building exercises, (weight training Programs)
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Strength training
Strength training that uses weights for resistance (weight training). Weight training puts stress on the muscles so we make sure they adapt and get stronger in the same way that cardio strengthens your heart.

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Personal training
Our approach to personal training over 15 years experience, a lot of training time working with clients Each valued client will receive an exciting training focused on reaching their goals and aspirations. We help you carry out your fitness program in a gym of your choice or in a highly equipped environment for training as per your personal needs.

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Corporate Health
Creating a healthy environment for your employees will ensure you have a more productive workforce.
There is very good evidence suggesting that optimizing your corporate environment, your employees wellbeing and their health will result in less sick time and greater productivity.
We can help with this. Our extensive network of medical professionals, personal trainers, physiotherapists and lifestyle experts could tailor a program for your company. We could set up a training program based around your employees fitness and wellbeing.
Should you wish to bring in keynote speakers to discuss health and wellbeing strategies we can arrange this for you. Allow us to assess your company's medical needs and we can tailor a program to suit.
Diet control
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About Diet control
It is the regulating of one's food intake for the purpose of improving physical condition, especially for the purpose of reducing obesity or what is conceived to be excess body fat.